= Enjoy your birthday. 2. - Thank you, darling. Happy birthday in Spanish: Muchas felicidades! ke no seleamos sto ase komo un ao felis kumpleaos , keh no seh-leh-bra-mos es-toe ah-seh coh-mo oon ah-nyo feh-lees cum-pleh-anyos. Mucho amor. I love you. My wish for you on your birthday is that you'll always be healthy, happy and full of energy. = Happy birthday! Warm wishes on your birthday. Spanish: Dios bendiga tu cumpleaos! Love you so much, Grandma. Feel free to send them as SMS or write in a birthday card. I hope this day is wonderful for you. "Happy Birthday, my beloved Grandma! Happy Birthday Wishes in Spanish to celebrate the "Have a wonderful was born. Happy Birthday Grandma 1. Que tengas un cumpleaos precioso. So if you're aiming to say "happy birthday" in Spanish in a more informal and friendly way, feel free to use this instead. Happy Birthday, Grandma. Happy birthday. Its a blessing to have a grandma like you whos still a kid at heart and can totally be at your level. No hay nadie como tu! Have the happiest birthday ever. }, Si pudiera enviarte mi corazn, lo hara. The language of love on birthdays is not just limited to English! Happy birthday grandma. Happy birthday! oto ao mas e no moi bjm po ti , oh-tro ah-nyo mas deh no mo-reer bee-en por ti. 1. You have had the most challenging life, grandma. [Add number] years in this world and I can bet you havent hurt a single person in your life. Deseo que todos tus sueos se conviertan/hagan realidad. Esperamos que pases un da muy feliz en compaa de amigos y familiares. Guauu! For more options and information on how we use them, click. Happy birthday to a one-of-a-kind, handsome grandson! Youre the coolest grandma anyone could ask for. As you learn Spanish, youll inevitably run into many situations where youll want to wish someone a happy birthday. Sweet Happy birthday messages to Grandma. Te enviamos nuestro amor. ke kjes as n tu kumpleaos , keh key-air-es ah-ser en too coom-pleh-ah-nyos. Feliz cumpleaos! Theres a typical piata song that is played whenever someone is hitting the piata. They will feel very surprised and happy. She is a great source of love, care, fun, and many other special things. You never get old; you just become more awesome. Feliz da! Felices aos! Disfruta de tu da especial y espero que todo lo que deseas se haga realidad. Disfruta de tu da especial y espero que todo lo que deseas se haga realidad. Although you are no longer with us, your memories will live on in our hearts. Check: Happy Birthday Dad from Daughter Quotes. Many happy returns of the day. May you be happy today and always. Its actually a reminder that you reach another milestone in your life. If your child goes to school in Spain, do not forget to put tons of sweets in his pockets. Birthday wishes in Spanish Dios bendiga tu cumpleaos! Feliz cumpleaos! I am so jealous of the angels who get to celebrate your birthday for eternity. Happy birthday, grandma, love you. I know it is not as great as your surprise, but definitely, it is full of love and effort. Birthday wishes for grandma s 60th birthday. Feliz cumpleaos. You have been a second mother to us and we can never imagine our life without you. Always have your door open for new opportunities and blessings. Felices (nmero) aos! Feliz cumpleaos, Happy Birthday! Gracias por estar todo el camino conmigo. 3. Get a personalized funny dog birthday video. Feliz cumpleaos! 43. Happy birthday candles wishing you a fun filled day! felisiaes po oto jaxe alreeo l sol , feh-lee-see-da-des pore oh-tro ve-ah-heh al reh-deh-door del sol. Que tus sueos se conviertan en realidad. Happy birthday to the most important person in our small family. 21. Happy birthday to my cute grandma. Today, I want to thank you. But let's go back to celebrating birthdays. { Happy Birthday to you! Eres un ejemplo perfecto de la belleza intemporal. Fun Birthday Wishes To You! Es triste no poder estar contigo en tu da especial. My prayer to God is to bless you with many birthdays and numerous blessings. It is your special day today and I hope that from the bottom of my heart, you receive enough love, care, and attention. Hermana, puedes recordar todos los recuerdos de nuestra infancia? ! Feliz cumpleaos! Party guests are expected to sing along, so watch the following video and with lyrics so youre not lost next time you attend a Spanish-speaking birthday party! Cambia para bien. Espero que lo pases genial! There are two main ways of wishing someone a happy birthday in Italian: Buon compleanno! Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday to the head of our family. It will make them feel special while also giving you an opportunity to practice your letter-writing skills in Spanish. Now, look at you, a beautiful grown-up lady. "#Slaying! 16. I'm so lucky to have a husband like you. I just cannot express how blessed I feel to have such a wonderful woman in my life. is one of the most popular phrases for wishing happy birthday in Spanish. You have a perfect example of timeless beauty. Espero que tu cumpleaos est lleno de sorpresas y regalos y puedas comer tu pastel favorito! On this day, you have to snap the birthday boy on the forehead with your fingers as many times as they turn. Feliz cumpleaos! 10. Of course, there are numerous other birthday wishes you can offer, depending on the situation and your relationship with the person whose birthday it is. Wish big. May this day be good to you and even the years to come. Discover and share grandmother birthday spanish quotes. 31. Happiest birthday to the strongest and most graceful lady of our family. Solo bromeo. Ahora vas a crecer ms. This is how amazing your heart is. Celebrating your saints day (according to the Catholic Santorale) is one of those instances. Dear friend, every moment spent men, their special birthday an amazing grandmother Happy Birthday in Spanish Song as it looks. Felicidades is translated most closely as "congratulations" or "all the best." You may think it's odd to use this . Querida (nombre) mi preferida/preferido. Un da especial, una persona especial y una celebracin especial. Que el Seor conceda tus deseos. Los mejores deseos para tu cumpleaos! 13. S que no es tan genial como tu sorpresa, pero sin duda est lleno de amor y esfuerzo. }, El mundo es tu lienzo. Youre Gods greatest gift to our family and me. Happy birthday to my old but cute grandma. Feliz cumpleaos. With you around, we don't need any flower vases or ornaments to beautify our home. Did you know birthdays are good for you? Estoy muy emocionada por ver cmo Dios te usar. mao definitiamnte mas sajo diskutile felis kumpleaos , mah-yor deh-fee-nee-tee-va-men-teh mas sah-bee-oh dees-coo-tee-bleh feh-lees coom-pleh-ah-nyos. 33. On their birthdays, they invite as many guests as possible, sit around the table, sing folk songs, and scream: Feliz Cumpleaos! (Happy Birthday!). You are my mother with much more experience than my real mom. Accordingly, when one reaches another birthday in his lifetime, it entails a chapter of life that exudes different kinds of emotions, mostly positive ones like happiness, excitement, and gratefulness. Heavens seems so far away, or else I would have gone there to give you a surprise. The most common Dutch birthday greeting, Gefeliciteerd, is actually the word for "congratulations." This phrase is directed not only to you, the birthday person, but it is also wished upon your party host and his or her family and close friends. At the same time, no one will be offended if you are late for the celebration: 1-2 hours of delay are considered normal. felis kumpleaos a una e las pokas psonas kuo kumpleaos pweo rekoa sin un rekoatojo e faseook , feh-lees coom-pleh-ah-nyos ah oo-na deh las po-cas per-so-nas coo-yo coom-pleh-ah-nyos poo-eh-do reh-cor-dar seen oon reh-core-da-toe-re-oh de facebook. { Sending you your favorite cake, a big hug and a long kiss on your birthday. }, Que la vida te traiga todo lo que siempre has soado. If you live in or are traveling in a Spanish-speaking country, birthdays can very easily come up as you meet people. Ojal este cumpleaos est lleno de horas de felicidad y tambin tu vida, con muchos cumpleaos felices que estn por venir. Que Dios te bendiga mucho ms. English: We wish you a blessed birthday! retard'. "For me, your presence was a once-in-a-lifetime blessing. This is a beautiful poem for a strong mother who truly helped shape you into the person you are today. Happy Birthday! Espero que este maravilloso da llene tu corazn de bendiciones y alegra. The world is a better place because you are in it. Guauu! Que Dios hable a tu vida, te bendiga con buena vida y prosperars siempre. Feliz cumpleaos. Espero que todos tus deseos se cumplan. Feliz cumpleaos. = May all your wishes come true. No matter how busy you are and so i am, i will never forget to greet you with a happy birthday. Feliz cumpleaos. Click Here To Submit And Share With Your Fellow QuoteReelers! Wishing you the best birthday. Happy birthday, and remember that growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional! Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. May you get blessed with health, happiness, and a good life. Whether youve moved to a Spanish-speaking country, are traveling through Latin America, or are simply having a birthday celebration with your Spanish class, youll have no shortage of reasons to celebrate a birthday. { This day is not just a celebration for you but also for me. Espero que tu da especial te de un montn de felicidad, amor y diversin. Happy birthday Meghan. Work in some beautiful, cultural music with Las Maanitas, traditionally sung on birthdays in Mexico and other Spanish-speaking places. Translation: We wish you a blessed birthday! pronounce as fay-lees koom-play-ahn-yohs. Korekaramo yoroshiku! Te mereces mi ms sincera felicitacin. Happy Birthday! To the best grandma and her birthday, cheers. Happy birthday! Translation: We wish you a very happy and joyful Birthday, Te enviamos deseos de cumpleaos llenos de amor y cario But rather than going for some birthday quotes for grandmother, pour your heart out and say how much you adore her existence in your life. I can always rely on you. Que te diviertas un montn. To the person who can make a barren field a luscious garden with the loving nurturing energy, she carries in her heart, happy birthday. One can easily come to a birthday party with a home-made cake or a gym subscription. Ojal! Youre actually sixteen in the body of an older woman. Grandma, I miss you so much and cherish the moments we shared. Enjoy! Happy birthday, best friend! Thank you for being my rock! You are my idol. Te deseamos todos, Cumpleaos feliz. A grandma like you saves a family from the storms. Desafortunadamente, la publicacin no la acepta, por lo que debe conformarse con este deseo de cumpleaos. S, en tu cumpleaos quiero ser la primera en felicitarte. Dont count the candles, just enjoy the glow., felis kumpleaos no kwntes las elas | solo isfuta su io , feh-lees coom-pleh-ah-nyos no coo-en-tes las veh-las so-lo dees-froo-tah soo bree-yo. We hope you guys liked all these birthday wishes. Thank you for making me feel young at heart. Happy birthday! May God bless you. See Cumpleaos Cards and Crowns Pack. Happiest Birthday! If you think how to wish a happy birthday in spanish. }, Tu cumpleaos llega solo una vez al ao, as que asegrate de que sea el da ms memorable de tu vida. I know you never wanted to talk about our age. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Happy Birthday Quotes In Spanish For Grandma. You are one graceful woman. Cheers to good and the responsible man you will be. Happy birthday to one of the few people whose birthday I can remember without a Facebook reminder. Cumpleaos felizCumpleaos felizTe deseamos todosCumpleaos feliz, Feliz cumpleaos a tiFeliz cumpleaos a tiFeliz cumpleas [birthday persons name]Feliz cumpleaos a ti. Happy Birthday Wishes In Spanish Que todos tus deseos se cumplan en tu cumpleaos {May all your wishes get fullfilled on your birthday } Feliz cumpleaos a la persona ms guapa y agradable de mi vida {Happy birthday to the most handsome and nice person of my life } Te enviamos deseos de cumpleaos llenos de amor y cario Immediately after the happy birthday song is over and the candles are blown, someone will inevitably start chanting Mordida! If you have already prepared a gift, its time to write some kind and warm wishes, because it is essential for Spanish people. Here's to another blessed birthday.". Happy birthday Grandma! Happy Birthday, Mom! I will always be here to support you in all good and bad times! 6. Muchas felicidades! Siempre recuerda ser tan maravilloso como lo eres hoy. Happy Birthday in Italian! To say "happy birthday" in Spanish, use the phrase: Feliz cumpleaos! May you enjoy your special day and hope everything you wish for will come truehappiest Birthday to you. Just be sure that the person receiving them will laugh, as well! }, Este da no es solo una celebracin para ti sino tambin para m. Feliz cumple - cumple is a more colloquial way of saying birthday and is widely used in the Spanish-speaking world. Happy birthday! felisiaes po oto ao jn apoeao , feh-lee-see-da-des por oh-tro ah-nyo bee-en ah-pro-veh-cha-do, Happy birthday! May God bless you with health and lots of good years to lead a happy life. Thank you for passing your good looks and beautiful gene to me. You are an absolute favorite. Please include what you were doing when this page came up and the Cloudflare Ray ID found at the bottom of this page. Happy [Add number] birthday to a woman who is so lively and young at heart. Feliz cumpleaos. Grandma, you are not only my second mother but also my best friend. Happy birthday Grandma! I hope that all your birthday wishes come true!". Que cada dia sea tan especial como hoy. Happy Birthday! In another part and love. Many wishes for a good birthday! You are getting more and more graceful with every year. Por muchos aos hemos estado juntos para celebrar nuestros cumpleaos, y hoy todava estoy agradecido de ser parte de los tuyos. Disfruta! Jul 4, 2019 - Explore Lura Kienzle's board "granddaughter verses" on Pinterest. Cambia para bien. 4. Go on and shine! Feliz cumpleaos! LAS MAANITAS. Te enviamos nuestro amor. When I Was Small Ten un cumpleaos fantstico, celebra la felicidad cada da de tu vida. komo um bwm bino | solo mexoas kn los aos , co-mo oon boo-en ve-no so-lo meh-ho-ras con los ah-nyos. I'm sure you are tired counting the years of your age. A birthday is the most important part of a persons life. Happy Birthday to the friendliest grandma in the whole world any granddaughter ever asks for. I thank God today for this milestone in your life. Feliz cumpleaos. Belated birthday wishes for a friend. Wow! It wont be nice if I cant give you something beautiful on your Birthday. Dear grandma, I wish I could reward you for all the love and kindness you have shown me, but I can't. Otro ao ms para tu fabulosa vida. This will be a very nice gesture of you. { This birthday, I ask God, to always keep you smiling. Y qu sobre, cuando estuve a punto de llorar porque pens que perd mi juguete favorito? Thank you for always making us your number one priority. (literally, Happy Lovers Day!) You never get old; you just become more awesome. A belated happy birthday to you. Happy Birthday! Thanks for being such an inspiration. If you are invited to a birthday party two weeks after the birthday, you should not be surprised. Thank you for your advice. Make sure to read the article all the way til the end as well also cover some important cultural considerations to keep in mind regarding birthdays in Spanish-speaking countries! Thanks! Thank you for being my source of joy and happiness. All you need to do is to prepare some happy birthday wishes in Spanish and have fun! Fill in the form below and well contact you to discuss your learning options and answer any questions you may have. You can also just surprise anyone with a heartfelt birthday card. We miss you so much, Mom. You may think that you are old, but to me, you look like a young girl in an old woman's body. I hope your birthday is full of surprises and gifts and you get to eat your favorite cake! Happy birthday in heaven. Espero y rezo por pasar ms cumpleaos contigo. You are the thread that has tied us together. Happy birthday, Grand maa. Happy Birthday to you. Gracias por todos los recuerdos que tenemos. Thanks for being my best friend, my homie, dear grandma. You are deserving of much honor for all that you have done in your 80 years. 10. May all your (birthday) wishes come true. Happy Birthday In Spanish Spanish: Feliz da! 14. Wish her conveying all your love and gratefulness. Birthday Quotes for Dad. - Happy Birthday! Sin ti el mundo habra sido sin colores para m. 24. Espero que te guste. The 100 Happy Birthday Wishes Tu generosidad es muy apreciada. In Spanish, you have to make a decision that will impact the tone of the entire letter: Estimado or Querido. Qu sorpresa verte. I am excited to see how God will use you. Happy Birthday Sweetheart! Translation: May God bless you on your birthday. Dear grandma, I pray for your good health and lifelong happiness on your birthday. "Happy, happy birthday Grandma! You were always there for me. Happy Birthday to the woman who is the first to know about all my secrets and the troubles I get myself into. Happy Birthday! Gracias por siempre hacernos tu prioridad nmero uno. Youve found the quickest way to my heart and no one else will ever walk down that route grandma because you only owe my heart. Once the piata is broken, all guests are welcome to charge for the candy on the ground! Blessed Birthday to the most beautiful person in my life. "Keep vibin' and thrivin', Queen! To me, you have always had a halo above your head because you have always been a saint. Felicitaciones en tu cumpleaos. Since feliz cumpleaos is not a proper noun, you shouldnt capitalize it. You are such a wonderful person grandma. As you probably know, Catholicism has a very big influence on Hispanic countries and their cultural traditions. { Im lucky to have met you. Here is some birthday vocabulary in Spanish to help you round out your knowledge. I wish you a very happy birthday and all the success in every endeavor this upcoming year. I hope, and I pray to spend more birthdays with you. Translation: Happy Birthday to someone whose presence is always pleasing. Hoy cumples (nmero) aos. Happy Birthday! Le deseo un feliz cumpleaos a la mejor persona que he conocido en este mundo. Espero verte pronto. I miss you and I am sad that you are no longer with us. {If I could send my heart to you, I would. Pero no encuentro ningn cambio en ti. May we always remain best friends and coolest ones. Wishing you a day that is as special as you are. Check out the lyrics below and see how soon you can sing along to it! Now that it is your birthday, I hope you have lots of toys, cakes, and sweets. Love you, grandma. May you celebrate many more.Feliz cumpleaos, abuela! 18. No matter how old you get, you will always be the most beautiful woman for us, grandma. May the good Lord grant your wishes. Ear pulling is a typical birthday tradition in Spain, where close friends and family give you one ear tug for every year youve livedplus an extra one for luck! Since I was a baby, I have always seen you prim, proper, and put together. Quisiramos enviar nuestras felicitaciones . Want to say happy birthday to your friend in a different language. Celebrating a birthday is one of the most intimate experiences you can have with someone. At lunch, the birthday boy treats his classmates with sweets, chocolates, and juice, while they sing birthday songs and congratulate him. Little Princess! El sol brilla con ms intensidad hoy en da como una manera de desearte feliz cumpleaos. You are the intelligent person I have ever met, and I adore you! Translation: Oh! You were always a little bit of mother, a little bit of teacher and a little bit of friend! Gracias por ser mi amigo. Salud por ms pasteles y vinos. Here, you can go as formal or casual as youd like, depending on who youre addressing your letter to and what your relationship with them is like. Debo decir que eres una de las personas sin las que no puedo vivir. See more ideas about granddaughter quotes, birthday verses, granddaughter birthday. 11. { Thanks for guiding me. Feliz cumpleaos! 25 Best Happy Birthday Grandma In Heaven Wishes, 25+ In Memory of Grandma Quotes Who Passed Away, 35 Simple Birthday Wishes- Short Happy Birthday, 40+ Happy Early Birthday Wishes-Birthday In Advance, Happy 21st Birthday Son : 35+ Wishes And Messages, 25+ Heartfelt Happy Birthday in Heaven Sister Wishes, 27 Touchy Thinking of You Messages to Brighten Someones Day, 27 Best You Make Me Happy Quotes to Share with Your Loved Ones. To my beloved Grandma, I wish plenty reasons to smile and a very warm happy birthday! Thank you for always being there for me. "Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Happy birthday, mom." you mom, you're the best." . Grandma, may what you wished for arrive exactly the way you expected. Great for sharing on Facebook. Wishing you a belated happy birthday, pal! May you have many more! b. feliz cumpleaos, abuelita (colloquial) Happy birthday, grandma! Also, you can send her a surprise birthday gift or something she will love to receive from you. Dear grandmom, thanks for always braiding my hair and telling me stories. Feliz cumpleaos! You may be greeted with a Feliz da de tu santo! on your Saints Day, but thats it. 12. 9. So, well give you a few example sentences that you can use for different contexts, depending on if youre trying to say happy birthday grandma in Spanish or want to send a respectful birthday card to your boss. However, if you feel that youve both moved on and sufficient time has passed, then theres nothing wrong with sending a friendly happy birthday message! Spanish Birthday Greetings 2. Here are some wonderful things to say: Feliz da de las madres! To talk about our age name ] feliz cumpleaos a la mejor persona he! Ten un cumpleaos fantstico, celebra la felicidad cada da de tu da especial y una celebracin.! A halo above your head because you are gift or something she will to... 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