The estate of North Carolina resident Carley Dial, in its questions to Dr. William Buchanan, sought to portray the dialysis drugs label as contradictory and incorrect on some of the basics, like how much acid-fighting power it had. From the dialysis unit to the hospital by ambulance is less than a mile away and she died on the way. Maybe he could have been revived if they would have found him in time. The initial two cases are currently scheduled for February 6, 2017 and March 13, 2017, the third case is scheduled to be heard on April 24th of 2017, and the final is scheduled for May 30, 2017. LOO. This whole lawsuit has just not been fair to anyone. My mother passed away in 2009. fyi if you opt in and they change anything and decide to grant bigger sett, My dad died within 48 hrs.this website says the window for granulite is 48 hours bt the attorney who's working with whatever the company that's handling the case told me the window to qualify for the settlement was just 24 hrs or at the clinic. Don't sign that letter to let that drug company off the hook. How would they like it if that was used on their mother, father, sister or brother? Wish we knew then what we know now, i know her last yrs would have been more full of life! Defense counsel must be prepared to respond, to force the plaintiffs to comply, and to seek dismissal of those who do not. Fresenius still has to approve it. Spoke to our attorney recently, & nothing was ever mentioned about the age factor. Fresenius has hit RESET and is now moving towards #FutureFresenius with a simplified structure, sharper focus and acceleration of performance Intention to deconsolidate Fresenius Medical Care by changing the legal form of FMC to a German Stock Corporation ("Aktiengesellschaft") in simplified governance Why wait until a settlement is made and then u come up with we didn't find the product was used its 2016 now after a settlement is made and u ask me to opt out. I asked him why the cases were chosen where people already had an existing heart issues? The information on this website is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional and is not intended as medical advice. The most comprehensive solution to manage all your complex and ever-expanding tax and compliance needs. They want me to sign papers to consent to dismiss my case with prejudice and return them by Oct. 24. Rick I was just telling people what my lawyer said the comment about how many people in each category at the end was just my opinion. I received my letter about 3 weeks ago and as it read those that opt in will get something. God is watching you all!!! For some reason they have kept us in the dark. When the kidneys become damaged that ability to do so may be significantly reduced or, lost. In West Africa, Fresenius knowingly paid bribes to publicly employed health officials and government-employed doctors in numerous countries, including Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, the Ivory Coast, Niger, Gabon, Chad and Senegal. INSTEAD OF 24 UNITS THEY GIVE HER 39 UNITS THIS TIME SHE GO in cardiac arrest have a massive heart attack right on the chair when i got to the clinic the nurses didnt have a clue they just new it was her tird time goin in a aklosis stage in 3 weeks and this time the lady passed away on the chair when i came to recover my moms body the tubes were still in her mouth and the emt refuse to take her body the medicail examiner even state that he was baffeld on how her body was and emt leaving her now if u think im not wanting justice im fight to i die even if i have to pickett protest against their clinic, My husband had a massive heart attack in dialysis on his 3rd visit. I am a medical professional and I have seen what it does to you. Joe, are you sure you have the correct information? They also allege that Fresenius did not adequately warn patients or health care providers of the risks associated with the dialysis concentrates. I see and understand y the football player is not standing .there is no Justus. They didnt even have as many deaths as we did in ours. My lawyer said the very most that someone will get in the class 1 category is 47,000 and your lawyer will get 40 percent of that amount, which means you will net out at 28,200. They took my husband from me and my children father and our lives has been downhill every since. Why would a lawyer accept that can of money with a lot clients unless he is money hungry and he get sunflower seed or getting paid under the table. I was persuaded to opt in because they made it sound that was the way to go. 56.1 Tue 5:02 PM Just gone. At the hearing it was still a valid date,but because of the extension to January 18 for the opt-in that date has been voided. He was on the dialysis machine at a Fresenius clinic when he went into cardiac arrest. This is the only way the select few that qualify can receive something worth signing for. If the 97% is not met they have a option to pay the people that have opted in or to just walk away. I want to thank everyone for sharing your stories and comments. In March 2012 I was taken from my responsibilities of doing appoints for the patients. Here is the definition of a qualified settlement fund. I never said that people that are going to trial will win millions. Court Reporter Name and Contact Information: Brenda Hancock at Redaction Request due 5/16/2017. Here's a definition of what a bellwether trial is I know exactly what happened to this people because I was there when it happened. BUT DON'T SHOW ME OR LET ME SEE THEM AT ALL. 1. [2] He was barely over 50. My sister filed a case without my siblings and knowing. ABOUT THE 250MILLION.TOLD US AT THE LAST MINUTE. IN THE MILLIONS. I proved my lawyer wrong by getting medical records that Fresenius nor my lawyer had in their possession! Fresenius Medical Care AG & Co. KGaA (Fresenius), a German-based provider of medical products and services, has agreed to pay approximately $231 million to resolve investigations by the Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) into violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) in connection with Fresenius's Because the threshold was not met. My dad died within 48 hrs.this website says the window for granulite is 48 hours bt the attorney who's working with whatever the company that's handling the case told me the window to qualify for the settlement was just 24 hrs or at the clinic. Memorial Day is soon approaching and how do you (Fresenius) want to be remembered. We kept in constant contact with you as you filed this and that. He's saying that's a new criteria that was added a co. Has anyone heard of this new criteria? What pisses me off is they knew that it was causing heart attacks and cardiac arrests and they still didn't take it off the market. TO GET ME THERE.THEN GET HIS WIFE TO GIVE MEDICINE ADVICE THEN LAW ADVICE THEY LOW BALL OFF 1,500 WITH AN PAPER WITH NO LETTER HEAD ,NO NAME ,ONLYHIS NAME NOT MINE AT ALL. THAT IS BREATCHOF CONTACT. My contact information will be forthcoming to those that will stand wit. How did the FDA get their information concerning the letter that was supposed to be in the hands of a Medical Director only. Very sad these huge companies can get away with this kind of stuff. 16.7 billion is what that company worth 250M fir thousands of plaintiffs is a joke, every time, I think they had something to do with my mother's sudden death - become riddled with anger, so was NoT ready to die she was fighting for her life while stroking my whole family has been rip apart , it has been devastating- I want to see them pay - if I'm one of 97% I will opt "out" this a joke , we are, 16.7 billion is what that company worth 250M fir thousands of plaintiffs is a joke, every time, I think they had something to do with my mother's sudden death - become riddled with anger, so was NoT ready to die she was fighting for her life while stroking my whole family has been rip apart , it has been devastating- I want to see them pay - if I'm one of 97% I will opt "out" this a joke , we are. What an INSULT to even consider excluding anyone due to age! It is hard to make sense of the Fresenius dialysis debacle. CAUSE 1,500 IS ALL ALL OF US GET ANYWAY. My mother had no heart problems whatsoever and died from a metabolic heart attack. This is pure Injustice, It behooves these lawyers to get as many settlements as possible, why? This just came through yesterday so I don't know if it's going to matter I know it's something people did not want to hear. So after reading all these comments, I called the attorneys office and had them clarify a few things. Dial's estate is represented by Robert Carey and Molly Booker of Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP, Craig Valentine of Norton Frickey LP and Stuart Paynter of the Paynter Law, Joe, you seem to know more about this case & have been more informational than our own attorney's. The government of North Carolina and Fresenius detained me in July 2015 with a court order without the judges signature to give me a mental evaluation and they then gave me a public defender who really was a puppet for the corporation. There lies the reason for my opt-in . Oh, but now the lawyer need something else or I'm back to the alternative fund! He tells me all he have to do is go to the judge and ask for something and it will go away in 30 days so I told him to do what he got to do . Fresenius treated about 350,000 people worldwide and earned last year about $1.4 billion. They said they likely won't have any new information until around May 10th deadline. Not sure what we can do to get to the truth. I will live the rest of my life regretting that decision because now I will never have that chance again! ATTENTION EVERYONE, ITS SOUNDS LIKE A LOT OF US HAVE LOST A FAMILY MEMBER DUE TO THEIR NEGLAGENCE,DONT SIGN, THAT AMOUNT IS A LOW BALL DISCRACE TO US, THEY THINK WE ARE ALL NEEDY AND HARD UP STICK IT OUT FOR YOUR LOVED ONES THEY THINK WE ARE STUPID YOU KNOW WHOS GONNA MAKE OUT;; THE DRUG COMPANYS AND THE LAWYERS WE ARE STILL ASS OUTARE YOU WILLING TO ACCEPT A MEAZLY COUPLE HUNDRED DOLLARS'' BY THE, ATTENTION EVERYONE, ITS SOUNDS LIKE A LOT OF US HAVE LOST A FAMILY MEMBER DUE TO THEIR NEGLAGENCE,DONT SIGN, THAT AMOUNT IS A LOW BALL DISCRACE TO US, THEY THINK WE ARE ALL NEEDY AND HARD UP STICK IT OUT FOR YOUR LOVED ONES THEY THINK WE ARE STUPID YOU KNOW WHOS GONNA MAKE OUT;; THE DRUG COMPANYS AND THE LAWYERS WE ARE STILL ASS OUTARE YOU WILLING TO ACCEPT A MEAZLY COUPLE HUNDRED DOLLARS'' BY THE TIME THEY ARE DONE THATS ALL IT WILL BE IS A HEADACHE'', My stepmother asked my brother and I if we wanted to be a part of the lawsuit. I work full time for a home care agency taking care of the elderly and not some loafer looking for a handout. But what about people like me Troy who have lived through all done to me by FRESENIUS. Again I rush to the hospital, but this time she is gone; how could it happen, what went wrong? IF YOU WANT TO KNOW HOW THEY GET 1,500 DO THE MATH THE CASE NUMBER THAT THE FIRST HAD WAS ABOUT 946250MILLION =1,500 FOR ALL WHO OPT IN TO GET THERE 7%=17.5MILLION.FOR LAWYER FEES OCCURRED. 600.00 is ZERO to me. Family has PKD. Fresenius doled out millions of dollars in bribes across the globe to gain a competitive advantage in the medical services industry, profiting to the tune of over $140 million, said Assistant Attorney General Benczkowski. Moreover, the company has not yet had the opportunity to test the effectiveness of its compliance enhancements. The suit claims that Fresenius didnt clearly inform and train doctors about how one ingredient, acetate, worked to magnify the effect of the other ingredient, bicarbonate. Fresenius has sold 300 million gallons of the drug since 1981, James Bennett of Dowd Bennett LLP said. I dont think 250m is enough to comp. I am guessing there maybe less then 1000 cl. the more they settle, the more $$$ they make. Not to mention they LAWYERS DON'T even know who has lawsuits or not but they knew when we hired them. My Mom''s blood levels didn't meet the criteria. Also it will not be disbursed Even across-the-board some people in category one will get more than others,depending on the add-ons and the strength of their case. I told my attorney I thought it was weird that no one else on this Blog has got any settlement offers and he stated when you find attorneys off of Television they go through Millions (figure of speech) of clients just to get to your one case. I guess that's why this website has a moderator. BUT I HAVE PAPERWORK WITH THE NAME OF THE HOSPITAL,MY NAME CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE,WHICH MEETS THE 24HR WINDOWOF YOUR LAST TREATMENT.48HRS WINDOW IS WHAT IT IS. This is what someone else put on another website I don't know how true it is but it looks truer to me. THEY EVEN TRIED THE SAME BULL SHIT ON ME.I GO TO DIALYSIS WEEKLY. FMCH may elect to void the settlement as of May 10, 2017 if the 97% threshold has not been achieved or if plaintiffs non- participation falls into suspect patterns. 1859 respm Opposition to Motion Fri 3:57 PM Peace and Blessings!!! The approval or denial for the settlement is still set for May 10 no word one way or the other on what they have decided yet. My lawyer said that they currently have no info as to what will happen with cases that have chosen to opt-out. Under current agreements and court orders, FMCNA is required to confirm or void the $250 million comprehensive settlement on May 10, 2017. If the chest pains that Dial felt in the lead-up to his death were indeed the sign of a heart attack, rather than acid reflux, hed have died much more quickly, Borkan said. Died within 24 hours. So I spoke to the paralegal this week and asked the question of why we weren't told the cases were going to continue even when we opted in? But, Carey suggested, his testimony could be shaped by his lucrative partnership with Fresenius and the fact that the CEO of the company was in the courtroom. No I opted in, let me explain the reason behind that. The Dial family plaintiffs elected not to participate in the comprehensive settlement and are now barred from doing so. So according to the settlement agreement Fresenius, has the option to actually settle with the people that have opted in even though it isn't the 97% .They also have the option to walk away from the settlement all together. I had no choice but to opt in to the granuflo my attorney advise me to or if I opt out the will withdraw from my case and strongly adviss me the cost time and trying to find another attorney thats almost impossible they way this cretieria set up u would have had to pass at the facility it clearly state within 24 hrs thats almost no one so many families been tricked buy attorneys this is so bad li, I had no choice but to opt in to the granuflo my attorney advise me to or if I opt out the will withdraw from my case and strongly adviss me the cost time and trying to find another attorney thats almost impossible they way this cretieria set up u would have had to pass at the facility it clearly state within 24 hrs thats almost no one so many families been tricked buy attorneys this is so bad like a minnie war 12000 people with majority of them passed away after the 24hrs mr booker so if ever is natural lyte wouldn't that 97% be eazy to get especially if the only concider the ones opt in remember my attorney basically quit if I opt out im sure the bade pay for granuflo is 88 k, U can not put a price on someone life and to give them sunflower seed and that not much. My Mom suffered from this medication she developed congestive heart failure she was all I had I was all she had she passed away May 7 2014 this medication caused her to be in and out of the hospital with breathing problems we are unaware of medication that's being pumped into us we can only trust in our doctors and the diagnosis and medication giving to us my mom was a very sweet lady!!!!! When speaking with this attorney I got the impression that they were a rip off. All of a sudden the numbers (blood levels) aren't in line with the criteria. What do you do? Something or Nothing. I always have to call to get one. BECAUSE DAVITA HAS JOINED FRESENIUS. My mother had her heart checked several times before the incident and after when she was in a coma. I thank my FATHER in heaven that I decided that I would be ok with whatever verdict came to pass. Use of Granuflo, 2. 1869 order Order on Motion for Extension of Time Thu 2:19 PM Thanks in advance if anyone has any info to shed light on this. My mother was not feeling well, dizzy and didn't want to eat. I will create a page on FB by tomorrow! We are all hurting whether its $1 or $100,000 it is still a dollar more than what we currently have. Yes, lets keep each other informed please. My mother had 3 dc ifferent heart attacks on 3 seperate dates last ome resulted in death with the tubes still in her mouth sad thing about it she was inly on dyalisis 19 days and did a tital of 9 treat mrnts 6 that were done at the regional hosptsil and three at davita were the uo graded her dosage from standard to 39 each time she was on dsvits machene she be came unresponsive 3rd one was th o s, My mother had 3 dc ifferent heart attacks on 3 seperate dates last ome resulted in death with the tubes still in her mouth sad thing about it she was inly on dyalisis 19 days and did a tital of 9 treat mrnts 6 that were done at the regional hosptsil and three at davita were the uo graded her dosage from standard to 39 each time she was on dsvits machene she be came unresponsive 3rd one was th o strong and my moms heart coukd not takr it. Is still a dollar more than what we can do to get to the hospital, now. 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