Immediately after his death, Kelsier arrived in the Cognitive Realm. He was born to a noble and a skaa mother, a fact that would have her killed due to the illegitimacy of it. With the spike removed, Kelsier encouraged her to take up the power, relinquishing it so that she can do so. But you can't kill me, Lord Tyrant. He helped the people there survive using his knowledge of the Metallic Arts, showing them how to make metalminds to store attributes like heat in a way that could be shared with anyone. Mistborn was the first Brandon Sanderson book I read, and Kelsier's death shocked me. Who, or what, is Trell? The Lord Ruler was just too powerful and him trying to run would've destroyed any of the rebellion he was trying to build. [30] He is quite proficient at pewter dragging and has enough practice to maintain it for hours and still maintain a fair amount of clarity afterwards. Like a way to copy that little bit of spiritweb, so the spike can be removed or, god forbid, reused. Ranette: Waxs gunsmith and a Lurcher (iron-pulling). I want to know if it is relevant, because when things are relevant, they become not just interesting and thought provoking, but actually important. Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_6/Chapter_4, Summary: The Well of Ascension/Chapter_54, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_6/Chapter_7, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_2/Chapter_3, Summary: The Bands of Mourning/Chapter_21, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Epilogue, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_1/Chapter_1, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_2/Chapter_1, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_3/Chapter_1, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_3/Chapter_2, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_3/Chapter_3, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_4/Chapter_4, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_5/Chapter_2, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_5/Chapter_3, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_6/Chapter_1, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_6/Chapter_3, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_6/Chapter_6, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_6/Chapter_8, Summary: The Bands of Mourning/Chapter_27, Summary: The Bands of Mourning/Chapter_28, Summary: The Bands of Mourning/Chapter_29, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_2/Chapter_2, Summary: The Bands of Mourning/Chapter_11, Summary: Mistborn: Secret History/Part_1/Chapter_2,, If given the chance, Kelsier would find it "really fun" to punch. It all kind of depends on that. And the Lord Ruler still had a spike in his chest when he stabbed Kelsier. It is a dystopian fantasy world in which magic users gain powers by swallowing. the original post says a lot: Are you asking if the rebels were influencedby Ruin? And you will be ruled by them. [69] Wax then used the artifact to defeat the Set and save the Southern Scadrian prisoners, using up a lot of the Investiture stored in the Bands. [11] He hates all of the nobility and tends to believe that all of them are to blame for the plight of the skaa, although near the end of his life this attitude changes due to Vin's insistence that Elend is different and that not all the nobles should be fought, although his views did not fully change, and he retained his prejudice and distrust. Fortnite dropped the official announcement early Friday. Breeze would recruit men for the rebellion, Ham would train them in the Arguois caverns, Dockson would direct the operation's finances, Clubs would hide the group's Allomancy with copperclouds, OreSeur in the role of Lord Renoux would buy the necessary equipment, Marsh would infiltrate the Steel Ministry posing as an obligator, Kelsier would use his Mistborn power to make attacks on the nobility to create tension between the houses, and Vin would gather information in the noble court posing as Renoux's niece Valette. In the meantime, keep an eye out for a non-spoiler review of The Lost Metal coming up next week. Even with the strongest criminal team ever put together, Kel's scheme appears to be the absolute long shot. Epic previously teased the Mistborn crossover by tweeting out a quote . [14][21][27], Kelsier is a Mistborn, so he can burn every Allomantic metal, although he is particularly proficient with the external physical metals iron and steel. As the Sovereign, Kelsier ruled the Southern Scadrians for a time and formed another religion that deified Metalborn, and then he left. He was dead anyways. Please help The Coppermind by, Kelsier really wasn't kidding when he said that. [12], Deal with your own stupid planet, you idiot. All we know for certain is that its some sort of entity worshiped by many on Scadrial. [66] This book proved vital in solving the case of Bleeder. And the book clearly had the rebels shove 2 spears right through his body. In conjunction with Southern Scadrian technology, ettmetal can reproduce Allomantic or Feruchemical powers within its vicinity. A natural leader, Kelsier used his charismatic personality to draw skilled and loyal Mistings to his own crew and eventually to lead a rebel army. Greetings, Cosmere chickens and Allomancers! While held in an Elendel jail, Suit was visited by a mysterious creature with red eyes. [65] As a Pathian, Wax did not worship Kelsier, but his life has nonetheless been drastically affected by the Survivor. They went to the hideout themselves just in time to save Vin from Camon. The spear head doesnt have to leave the body. And he had no realistic way to escape him. Cause I see what could be considered3 different theories in this one post. Throughout the course of the series, weve been following the underhanded machinations of a group called the Set. In Alloy of Law, we learned that the Set (through Mister Suit, Waxs uncle) was responsible for funding the Vanishers, a group who was kidnapping female descendants of the Lord Mistborn (aka Spook). This was changed by Vin who fell in love with Elend Venture. I am hope. Kelsier's suspicions that Vin was a Mistborn were confirmed when he saw that she was able to burn zinc. Prior to one of the executions, Kelsier attacks the carriages transporting the victims and frees them, killing a Steel Inquisitor in the process. I dunno what the point of spiking him would be. We want to discuss this theory. However, he is then confronted by the Lord Ruler himself. He has been described by Brandon Sanderson as a psychopath. The most notable of these is the rebel group governing Urteau,led by a man known as the Citizen. I do think that an interesting (and relevant)question that is brought up by this theory though is whether or not it is possible to spike a person without killing them. This page was last edited on 27 January 2023, at 22:51. So, Im kind of with Ishar a little bit. Kelsier at first hated Leras for claiming to be God, enough to instantly punch him. Kelsier is tall and hawk-faced and has light-blonde hair and hazel eyes;[9][10] he has a multitude of scars crossing both arms from his time in the Pits of Hathsin. Kelsier was the primary mentor of Vin and crewleader to the gang who was credited for overthrowing the Final Empire. Hiding you. Thus was born a sense of resentment for the nobility in both children, which resulted in Marsh becoming the leader of the Skaa Rebellion and Kelsier became a crewleader for a gang of Misting thieves, stealing from the noble families. It reacts explosively to water. It is used to fuel Southern Scadrian Allomantic technology, including their airships, which run via Steelpushing. [55], After Sazed's Ascension and Spook's rise to political power, Kelsier began to speak with Spook about finding a way to bring himself back to the Physical Realm. As of the end of TheBands of Mourning, she is in a casual relationship with Wayne. The hearts of men are NOT YOUR TOYS. Ive done my best to include things that I think youll need to know going into the next book. While difficult, it is possible to obtain atium and lerasium from ettmetal, but not through mechanical means. Later on, we follow Kelsier having a conversation with Sazed on the events that had happened, the lack of Metalborn, and Sazed's inability to act. All I want is for somebody to clarify what your theory actually is. Despite her supposed betrayal, Kelsier never stopped loving her. Mistborn Era 2 takes place 341 years after the events in the original trilogy, but theres another little story that we hope youve also read that takes place between themMistborn: Secret History. Kelsier dies. If you dont like or understand it, again, move along. Which is kind of how Id always imagined it. Honestly though, you really, really need to read Secret History before Lost Metal drops. The Final Empire: Mistborn Book 1. My bad. In the following months, Kelsier himself took on many roles to further the plan, acting as a beacon to the repressed skaa, assisting in recruitment,[30] attacking many noblemen to increase the tensions between the Great Houses,[16], collecting information by purchasing it from informants, and even posing as an informant in order to provide misinformation to noblemen. [68] After Marasi solved the riddle of the Bands and wielded it to escape the Set, she gave it to Wax, who wielded it and became incredibly powerful. First off, I don't mean to come off as hostile, but I am genuinely confused as to what this theory is saying. Immediately after his death, Kelsier arrived in the Cognitive Realm. [21] There is a darkness to him that other heroes, such as Kaladin, would fight but that Kelsier instead embraces and is so ruthless that, in a fight with other notable people from the cosmere, he would be the most likely to win;[27][28] even Hoid considers him incredibly dangerous. [2] Kelsier later reveals in his letter to Vin that he had intended to use the Eleventh Metal to destroy the Lord Ruler but could not discover how to use it in his fight. The new skin is based on Kelsier, a central character of the series. After Kelsier died, he became a Cognitive Shadow through the Well of Ascension, making him able to resist the pull of the Beyond. [42] Then he found the power at the Well of Ascension and became trapped there with Ruin, though merging with the power of the Well allowed him to become a Cognitive Shadow and resist the pull of the Beyond. He was killed by the Lord Ruler in The Final Empire, but has resurrected. [33] As a result, he has both regular vision and the steelsight that Inquisitors used, allowing him to see via both normal light and trace metals. [24] After his death, OreSeur takes his bones and appears before several groups of skaa, making them believe that Kelsier survived somehow. Yet, his death isn't truly that sad to me. [29] Hoid has also taken direct action against him, giving Wax an unsealed coppermind containing knowledge that he would rather keep hidden. He spun around on the rooftop, then suddenly he was there. There are hints throughout Era 1 that Kelsier was still around, including Sazed flat out saying that Kelsier requested Spook be made a Mistborn. Now that weve got that basic synopsis out of the way, lets start off with a handy character primer. I worried about doing this, actually, since it seemed a little too expected. Might as well use that talent for the cause of good eh? Information about books that have not yet been released, like the other secret novels releasing in 2023 and Stormlight 5, is allowed only on meta-pages for the books themselves. He also ran into Vin and was shocked to see how far she had come in the time he was away. Dick was so focused on the rhythm of movement and moving toward the name, he almost missed the quiet sound of a cloak fluttering behind him. Kelsier's estranged brother Marsh also joins, hoping to realize his own dream of a successful Skaa Rebellion despite his disapproval of Kelsier's methods and leaving the rebellion when he had learned Kelsier and Mare had been captured. At some point, Kelsier had the Ghostbloods on Scadrial work in order to resist the oncoming threat of Trell. If it did, when Inquisitors are made, the spike would have killed them before it gained a Hemalurgic charge. She agrees to join the crew in exchange for Kelsier's training. Edwarn Ladrian (aka Mister Suit): Waxs uncle, and a member of the Set. I wonder if there's a way to make hemalurgy permanent. He died at the end of the first book in the original trilogy but theres always another secret. The Bands of Mourning follows our group of heroes as they begin a quest to find the titular Bands of Mourning, a legendary and extraordinarily powerful artifact. You can use this to quickly reference who the various players are, in case youve forgotten. ), but its been a hot minute since TheBands of Mourning was released. In this novella covering the events of the first Mistborn trilogy, Kelsier is trapped in the Well of Ascension following his death. At the beginning of the novella, Kelsier is killed by the Lord Ruler, but refuses to pass on to the Beyond, and instead becomes trapped in the Cognitive Realm, between the Physical and Spiritual realm. I cant find that WOB in Arcanum, but he definitely had at least one spike at the end of Bands of Mourning. His name and deeds passed into legend. Kelsier then made his living as a thief, becoming famous throughout Luthadel. Without a Physical aspect, his powers failed. Kelsier is described to be a middle-aged man with hawkish features and light blonde hair. The Well of Ascension: The impossible task has been accomplished. Marsh/Ironeyes/Death: Kelsier's Inquisitor brother, who possesses Hemalurgic spikes, allowing him to use the abilities of Hemalurgy. Then he found the power at the Well of Ascension and became trapped there with Ruin, though merging with the power of the. The skaa react to Kelsier's death by rising up and overthrowing the city with the help of Kelsier's army. Sure, maybe it would be active for a split second when touching blood or whatever like you said,but as soon as the head passes out of his body on the other side, it wouldnt affect him anymore. It's not a sad death. Together with his wife Mare, he led daring heists and gained great renown. It is presumed that this is the Sovereign of the Southerners, who saved their people, declared himself ruler, and reorganized the social hierarchy. [22][23] Perhaps as a result of his egotism and arrogance, several of his plans involve setting himself up as a powerful, mysterious, or even divine figure. After removing her second spike and adding one of Trellium, she went mad and began working with the Set, and was defeated. He forced the rest of the crew to leave, only leaving Vin. Until Kelsier, a brilliant half-Skaa thief and natural leader, finds in himself the powers of a Mistborn, and turns his talents to the ultimate caper, with the Lord Ruler himself as the mark. . MeLaan: A kandra who has been around from about the time of the Catacendre. He burned down the manor and purposely departed in a way that forced the skaa to join the rebellion. Publication [ edit] They called you their god, and you were casual with their faith! Though he is killed by the Lord Ruler, he watches over Vin as a Cognitive Shadow. A bit obsessive, a bit anxious, and a whole lot amazing, Steris uses her neurodivergencies to her (and Waxs) advantage by plotting out every eventuality and creating detailed plans to deal with any situation. After Holding and releasing the Shard of Preservation, Kelsier became a Sliver. If you enjoy queer protagonists, snarky humor, and dont mind some salty language, check out book 1. [8] Despite Preservation not usually being able to speak into the minds of other, due to some combination of Spook being near death, having a broken soul, and believing Kelsier was a god, he was able to talk to Spook. He is confronted by a Steel Inquisitor, which he eventually manages to defeat by beheading him with the Inquisitor's own obsidian axe. Marsh resents Kelsier because Kelsier had success with the skaa rebellion soon after Marsh quit being its leader. He lacks finesse in the external mental abilities of zinc and brass as he tends to create large changes in emotional states as opposed to the more subtle Soothing abilities of Breeze, although he can affect a relatively large mass of people. [50] He stayed with her for a while after that but ultimately had to leave. We were having a nice, thought provoking discussion, and you added nothing to it. Thus he decides to go along with him out of curiosity. Maybe Im just not saying it in a way that can be understood. He then asked Preservation if they are God, and after being told yes he promptly punched Preservation in the face. Immediately after his death, Kelsier arrived in the Cognitive Realm and met Preservation. Marasi and MeLaan rescue him, and he assists them on their quest to find the Bands of Mourning. Kelsier went on to save Elend's life from an inquisitor. [57] His bones survived the Ascension of Harmony,[58] and may have helped him regain physical form.[59]. He/she/it has kandra under their control, is either controlling or working with the Set, and is apparently planning on annihilating life on Scadrial as a whole. Willshaper is high on the list as well. This one will be important. Thus Kelsier's mother was killed, and because of this, the brothers have a deep hatred of noblemen. Telsin Ladrian (aka Lady Sequence): Waxs estranged sister, and a high-ranking member of the Seteven higher than Mister Suit. Kelsier authorizes the engagement of all agents in Elendel to help in any way possible, and has Twinsoul and Moonlight accompany Marasi to Autonomy's army from marching into Scadrial. That resulted in the Kelsier skin . Kelsier draws up a master plan for the job, in which he designates each member of his crew to a role. Hmmm, he was flat on the ground from the Lord Rulers hit when he was stabbed. Later on, a group of Southern Scadrians traveled north in search of the Sovereign's Bands of Mourning, but were captured by the Set, who decided to seek the Bands as well. Off with a handy character primer, at 22:51 basic synopsis out of end... Hemalurgy permanent you idiot wife Mare, he led daring heists and gained great renown truly that to. Than Mister Suit ): Waxs uncle, and he had no realistic to... 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