a nun walks into a bar joke

", "Yeah, but he's not too good. Do you have a secret camera in my house!? The bartender looked at the man and said, Is that nun in here again? This is cute and funny. That's why there is so many dog jokes out there. and ends up getting figuratively hammered. But when the occasion calls for it, you need to have a few of the best ones up your sleeve. Suddenly the man walks back into the bar with a big smile on his face. Im guessing from that accent youre from Dublin? he asks, in an Irish brogue. The monkey finds a maraschino cherry on the bar. I slept with your wife. Are you going to drink it, or just knock it over on purpose?. says the bartender Is my family okay!? The bartender asks nervously. A neutron walks into a bar and orders a drink. ", A man goes to a bar and sees a fat girl dancing on a table. !, Ill get the bartender to put it in a teacup for you, then no one will ever know., The Nun reluctantly agrees, so John goes to the bartender, Another pint for me, and a triple vodka on the rocks, then he lowers his voice and says to the barman and could you put the vodka in a teacup?, Oh no! The man looks around and finds nobody around. With so many different personalities stuffed into one building, it is the perfect place to come up with office jokes that everyone in the office will love. All Rights Reserved, Address: near 3745 Commercial St, Vancouver, BC V5N 4G1, Canada He then goes outside to deal with the dog. "For you?" says the bartender. Funny long jokes | Funny jokes | Turn ons | Funny | Clean jokes | Jokes. For some reason, bad jokes, and more particularly bad walk into a bar jokes, are always a crowd-pleaser. There is nobody else in the place except him and the bartender. The man keeps coming back almost every night for more than a year. "your eyes are glazed, have you been eating donuts?". Stephen suffered him to pull out and hold up on show by its corner a dirty crumpled handkerchief. As he sits down, he looks up and notices three pieces of meat hanging from the ceiling. Fight or flight? You could have made millions off of it.The man says, nah, dont worry. She is flattered and replies, "You really think so?" A chicken crosses the road. Youre all so mean, and pours two beers. For anyone who has ever owned a cat, this joke is hilariously accurate. He orders a Guinness, and the 2nd redheaded man turns to him. The man asks "Well what would you do in my situation?" Would you like a drink? Try to remember funny jokes you've never heard to tell your friends and will make you laugh. A priest and a rabbi walks into a bar, and the grammar teacher who was sitting at the bar said, "You mean walk, not walks." A limbo player walks into a bar He lost. Best Bar Jokes on the internet. This goes on almost every night for a couple of weeks. A priest, a rabbit, and a minister walk into a bar What is funnier than a joke? The bartender screams at the guy, Your monkey just ate the cue ball off my pool table whole! Sorry, replied the guy. The visual on this one is good enough to have everyone laughing. A blind man walks into a bar and finds his way to a barstool. Man:"The steaks are too high", So a man walks into a bar and asks the bartender for 7 vodka shots How Do You Know If A Guy Likes You? Cute and slightly nostalgic, this joke is really hilarious. Orders a beer. Thanks!" But knowing some of our. Watch as she tries to get her way while everyone aroun. A redheaded man walks into a bar and sits next to another redheaded man. Why would you sell it for only $200? He says, 'Sisters, you all led such exemplary lives that the Lord is granting you six months to go back to earth and be anyone you wish to be. Man:"Nah, pass". The punchline is because priests, rabbis, and/or ducks in bars are a common feature in jokes. Even the most literary amongst us will find this one funny. The bartender asks "Why are you looking so blue?" ", A man was at the bar with a couple of his neighbors. Use the words LIVER and CHEESE in one sentence. Bar goes silent. Truth be told, this can actually happen in real life! The bartender looks at them and asks, "Is this some kind of joke?" Or something like that. She says "That's cool. A case of mistaken identity does have a tendency to make people laugh. The man says: "Yeah, well, when you have what I have, you'd drink like that too" "Honey I heard the new pool boy has had with every woman in the neighborhood except one, do you know anything about that?" He sets the . Sorry, it takes three bartenders to change a light bulb.. Home. This one is both funny and cute. The bartender asks, "Why did you do that?" While he is sitting there he hears a voice say " Nice shoes". Goal is to have funny joke every day. However none of the other players seemed to pay any mind to the fact that they were playing with a dog, they just treated him like any other player. I'm a lesbian. Tell this joke with a couple of actions and it will be really funny. Bar Jokes. The Quotes is a compilation of quotes, riddles, and jokes. I only want a drink." A chicken walks into a bar. 24 days ago. You see, limbo is all about techniques you know? She raises her right arm, revealing a big hairy armpit as she points to all the people sitting at the bar and asks, "What man out there will buy a lady a drink?" He sets the frog down on the bar, and the frog begins to sing beautifully. Before anyone else can speak, the barman fills . He notices some pieces of meat hanging down from the ceiling. Bar Jokes. Answer (1 of 4): Question: What is the punchline of the "A priest and a rabbi walks into a bar" joke? Im only here because of autocorrect., A nun, a priest and a rabbit walk into a bar (bar joke), A priest, a rabbi, and a minister walk into a bar. "You look fluorescent!" The man says, "Oh definitely! He goes up to the bartender and asks "What's with the meat on the ceiling?" If you like the joke youve just read, please check out these 15 best funny leprechaun jokes now because youll like them too. He walks over to her and says, "Wow, nice legs!". Orders 999999999 beers. for the Supreme Leader to issue the punchline. You owe me money, she says.For what?The woman rolls her eyes and explains, Im a prostitute.The panda pulls out a dictionary and looks it up: Prostitute: Has s** for money.The panda says, I dont have to pay you. They are man's best friend but they are also really funny. A horse walks into a bar. that, my friend, is an order of magnitude.. ", "They're hiring electricians at the circus?". It's Act Two. He loves any type of game (virtual, board, and anything in between). And the variation of the bar jokes is what led to the walk into a bar joke. says the blind man, "I would have to explain it too many times. The man says, "Oh definitely! The bartender asks the man what's the special occasion the man says The setting is also very important when telling jokes, so just make sure that you don't tell a lawyer joke in the middle of a courthouse! In this joke, the critical point is the fact that the bartender asks the penguin what his brother looks like. Logician 1: i dont know Logician 2: i dont know Logician 3: i know. Scary and weirdly accurate, this joke has a weird sense of impending doom around it. It's not a joke. The bartender looks up and says, "We don't serve your type in here." Two termites walk into a bar. What happened? The old guy sighs and tells him, My ship was torpedoed by the Germans in WWII. The drunk replies, "Sir, in my eyes, any woman who can lift her leg up that high has got to be a ballerina! He walks in and orders a glass of wine. That was incredible! For my first wish, I asked to return to the States. The barman says "No I'm sorry buddy, I can't serve you." He drinks the beer and then orders another saying, "Give me a beer before the problems start!" Legally, bars in America have to serve people of all religions." Thats a duck. The bartender replies: I was talking to the duck.. After an hour the guy asked her "Are you finish? Walks into a bar jokes are great for any occasion. The guy reaches out to grab the leprechaun, only to miss him as he jumps back to his seat.If you know whats good for you, dont come near me again, or Ill rip off your little tallywagger, yells the mean-looking guy.After a few more pitchers, the leprechaun runs over to the mean-looking guy, sticks out his tongue and spits all over his legs again. A horse walks into a bar. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Here are twenty funny 'A horse walks into a bar' jokes! The bartender smiles and shouts out to the whole bar it's ok fellas, he's one of us! 130. This one may be an oldie but it is definitely a goodie. I slept with your wife. Consistency is key when telling a good joke. The ladies said "It's wales you idiot" A nun walked into the bar. One day our father passed away and left us the farm, but it wasnt big enough to support both of us and our families, so we decided that since I was the younger brother Id go to America to seek my fame and fortune. As he sits down, he looks up and notices three pieces of meat hanging from the ceiling. She talks to the panda, and they go back to her place. Bartender fills the pint and as it is being placed in front of the blind man says, "hey Bartender, wanna hear a dumb blonde girl joke?" He gets a two-point deduction and ruins his chances of a medal. Whiskey please. 11 View More Replies. Score: 34. . An Oxford comma walks into a bar, where it spends the evening watching the television getting drunk and smoking cigars. BEST JOKES OF THE DAY! But let's face it, they are the best type of jokes. ", "No, but they now know that you're just like everyone else at this bar. She looks him up and down and says "9", followed by giggling. Just think that there are jokes based on truth that can bring down governments, or jokes which make girl laugh. Then out of the bar. That's why I order three at once." The bartender asked him, "Why the long face?" 4. Simple and to the point, this joke is one of the funniest ones around. Email: info@extremebartending.com Now the man gets up and gives a quick look around the bar. So the man gets drunk. Ten minutes later, with no injuries, he ran back into the bar, chugged a pint, then jumped out of the same window.When he returned ten minutes later, a man asked him how he survived."You see, alcohol makes you warmer and heat rises. Then one day, the man orders only two drinks. Well this joke is always on the top of my search list. The whole bar goes dead silent, as the patrons try to ignore her. Orders 0 beers. The girl shook her head again. Walks into a bar jokes are great for any occasion. So now that you have some of the best walks into a bar jokes, why not try some of them? The bartender does this and watches the man slug one down, then the next, then the next, and so on until all seven are gone almost as quickly as they were served. There are some man goes into a bar drunkenly jokes no one knows (to tell your friends) and to make you laugh out loud. You can't tell me that was just a coincidence, man. And, when the patrons saw the nun, the room went dead silent. In a husky, deep voice, the woman next to him says, "Before you tell that joke, there's something . The bartender says, 'What is this, a joke?'" "A priest, a minister and a rabbi walk into a bar. You should be ashamed of yourself young man! The man goes over to his buddy and boasts that the two lovely ladies by the entrance had said he was a 9. A nun walked into the bar. You will find some of these jokes beginning with a man or animal or inanimate objects. The man replies "I just found out my wife is cheating on me. The bartender looks confused. We hope you will find these man goes into a bar bar patron puns funny enough to tell and make people laugh. The bartender turns, looks at the dog and nods . During then, it was known as bar jokes. He drinks out of one beer and then the other. The bartender comes back and places his drink down. The cowboy takes the shot and slams the shot glass down on the counter, yelling, TGIF! The Mexican orders a shot, takes it, and slams his glass down, yelling, SPIT! The cowboy looks over at him and notices the Mexican guy is still staring at him. And the bartender says "congrats how about a 8th shot on the house" and the man goes I just want a drink." A screwdriver goes into a bar. The bartender says, "Can I help you?" The duck says, "Yeah, you can get this guy off my butt!" A snake walks into a bar. The format sets a scene up and provides a character as well as a bit of momentum going into the action. Sometimes having someone back can be funny. Following is our collection of funny Man Goes Into A Bar jokes. With the same jokes flying around, it can be difficult to find the perfect jokes. then back to the door, then to the bartender and back to the door. "I'm looking for the man who shot my paw. I dont know. With a great pun and fast delivery, this joke is always a winner. A couple hours goes by and the bartender is starting to get nervous. In response to his elegant set-up, "Four nuns walked into a bar . The bartender says: We dont serve poultry. The chicken replies: Thats OK. He then takes the last shot in the row and does the same. Thanks!" Each time this happened, the place would erupt into cheers. Then the next hand is dealt and cards are dealt to the dog. I'll have some whiskey please." The man chuckles and says, "No nothing like that. As if The Beatles need any introduction: The Liverpool quartet is one of the bestselling . As if the minor scales are not sad enough. They were saying things like " Nice shoes, Great shirt and love your hair". Phone : +1 604-879-1036. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Because, you know, you wouldn't want to make a photon embarrassed. The man replies "Why did you kill 2 clowns?" Seconds later, all the lights in the bar shut off for a few seconds and then turn back on. Slightly dirty and a little bit adult but this joke is so subtle its hilarious. Drinking is a Sin! There is only one thing people love more than cheese, and it's cheesy jokes. A time traveler walks into a bar. A guy walks into a bar and orders twelve shots. This continued for some time, but one day man came in a bar and ordered 2 beers. The bartender says, What is this, some kind of joke?. the bartender refuses him regular service. approaching the bar, the bartender asks "What can I get for you?" Immediatedly the parrot squaks and says "Two Budweisers please and a round of drinks for the ladies at the end of the bar". This goes on for a while until one day the Irishman comes in and orders a single pint.The bartender brings him the pint and asks Is your brother OK?The Irishman replies Oh, my brothers fine. What is the statistical probability that this one is funny? "How do you know my name?". The bartender asks: Where did you get that pig? The woman says: Thats not a pig. But for the rest of the time, lawyer jokes are great jokes to have up your sleeve, no matter the event. This one is so painfully accurate it kinda hurts. A mermaid rescued me and promised to grant me three wishes. What do you get when you combine the periodical table and love? So the speed of light, *e*, and (-1)^1/2 walk into a bar. Example: a priest, an accountant, a professional wrestler, a hooker and a duck walk into a bar. Right away another voice says " Great shirt". You know, laughed the bartender, every time someone lifts the fig leaf on that statue, the lights go out.. Our goal is to create a WOW FACTOR at your bar or party and we seem to make friends with everyone we deal with. 1994 Extremebartending.com. A man walked into a bar on the 100th floor of a building, chugged a pint, then jumped out of an open window. Really really high. The bartender says: Sorry, we dont serve noble gases here. The helium doesnt react. G. Anl Ak. The bartender is again amazed, and gets the man another beer.As the man is drinking his beer, another man rushes over and says Holy **it, a singing frog! A panda, a cowboy, a man with a cat on his shoulder, and a time-traveler walk into a bar. ", "Don't mind me, I'm just looking around. The minister asks the rabbit what hell take. The bartender figures he has to ask, and summons up the courage to say, "I noticed you've been ordering only two drinks for the last few weeks. And you?1st: St. Catherine Street, same as you!2nd: Here, bartender, get this guy a Jameson! The bartender shakes his head slowly. A horse walks into a bar. He sees his bushel and his cart, and nothing beyond, and sinks into the farmer, instead of Man on the farm. The man, thrilled to hear that, goes to the hospital bar to get a coffee as soon as he can. As he walks towards the bar, he sees one tap the other shoulder and point at him. That's why it is great to have some bad jokes up your sleeve. The bartender is amazed! Next week same time does the same thing: orders 4 beers, drinks them, and leaves. Shocking but hilarious, this one is super stupid. This goes on for several weeks until one week the man comes in and orders three beers and a coke. Follow us on Pinterest and we will love you with the unconditional love of a smelly dog. By combining literary knowledge and beer, what do you get? Never know which ending your gonna get #dadjokes #jokes #funny #shorts Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The man jumps up from his stool and shouts "That's a great idea! And why the duck? "The black guy goes " I love to eat liver and cheese. The man answers, "Now the problems start!". 20 Revealing Signs He's Into You, 10 Amazing Tips On How To Not Be A Dry Texter - Make Her Fall For You. On this particular afternoon, someone made the comment that preaching to people isn't really all that hard. Or does. After she's completed the drink, she turns again to the patrons and points around at all of them, again revealing her hairy armpit and saying, "What man out there will buy a lady a drink?" "Why is it because I'm Chinese?!!" He the proceeds to play the piano beautifully. In short, that was one h*rny dog. Are you two whales from England? These are the best and funniest walks into a bar jokes youll ever read. A neutron walks into a bar. The third week; same thing. He walks over to her and says, "Wow, nice legs!" I only know because they told everyone within the first three minutes. ", "No thanks," says the nun "I still don't understand what that supposed to mean", "You see, every time someone lifts the statue's fig leaf, all the lights in the bar go out.". "No charge." Report 24 points POST Atoms never touch. A man walks into a bar and says, "Give me a beer before the problems start!" We are a family run company that has a truly fantastic life because we never really feel like were working :). - November 10, 2016 A penguin walks into a bar. "Is this about Halo?" "No sir, we don't. Suddenly. He really should have looked where he was going. Who's there? A new guy in town walks into a bar and notices a large jar filled to the brim with $10 bills. It is not our place to judge. Everyone sitting around the bar looks up expecting to see a flamboyant yankee. The bar is very noisy and crowded with music playing and every time the light shuts off for a few seconds, the patrons applaud. The bartender looks a little surprised, but lines of 12 more shots. But this joke makes it just a little funnier. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); John was sitting outside his local pub one day, enjoying a quiet pint and generally feeling good about himself, when a A Nun Walks Into a Bar and starts lecturing him on the evils of drinking. He then goes on again for another 15 minutes until he's completely exhausted. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Bartender says, "Must be an echo in here." A nurse shark walks into a bar. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. When the nun comes out, there is a big round of applause. A man walks into a bar. Hitler replies "See nobody cares about the Jews", After a while the barteder asks him:" Why do you come here every day and order 3 beer?". Try the place across the road.. As soon as he sits back down he hears another voice say "Love your hair" And a table. "You guys must be here to talk about adoption.". Bartender: "What? The 35+ Best and Funniest Walk into a Bar Jokes, Top 45+ Why Did the Chicken Cross the Road Jokes, Top 55 Funniest and Clever Harry Potter Jokes for Kids, The 50+ Best and Funniest St. Patricks Day Jokes for Kids, The 55 Best and Funniest What Do You Call Jokes. The guy tells him his best buddy from the Army lives a long way away. Did you know that the oldest walks into a bar joke is more than three thousand years old? The bartender says: Sorry, we dont serve spirits.. The second says, "I'll have half a beer.". They hand their tickets to the attendants and they board the plane. The man jumps up from his stool and shouts "That's a great idea! About Us; Staff; Camps; Scuba. Did one of your brothers pass away?" That guy empties them so quickly that a bartender looks suprised. Some are short but pack a punch while others are a tad long but end with a great punchline. Oh, this one is so bad, it'snearlyfunny. Cause he's Scotch tape? Copyright Boureston Media Inc // All Rights Reserved | Contact Us | Work with Us | Disclosures: Terms & Conditions | Privacy | Accessibility | Cookies | Disclosure | FTC | Do Not Sell My Personal Information. 6 views, 0 likes, 0 loves, 0 comments, 0 shares, facebook watch videos from iskitzfb: Finally, she said she'd go out, but didn't know anyone. Here's the winning joke. Then back in. This one is so dumb all you can do is roll your eyes. Wanna give it a go? The man replies: I think Ill pass. . The Chinese man looks baffled He smiles and says, "Yes! I'll tell you what if you try it and don't like it, I'll give up drinking for life." A simile walks into a bar, as parched as a desert. Orders a lizard. Her response is "No, what do you think I am?" The man replies "I just found out my wife is sleeping with another man. Who knew that a little bit of romance would be so funny? and is promptly knocked out of the World Limbo Championships. and the bartender doesn't quite know how to react! View all posts by A.O. A man walks into a bar. "Are you finish?" Second, there's a dog out back who has a sore tooth and he's real grouchy, and you gotta take out the bad tooth bare handed. Even the best comedians know that when you are going to tell jokes, the setting is everything. Still nobody around. A beaver walks into a bar. Putting serious people in a funny situation is always funny. However we also agreed that at the end of the day wed go into the local pub and each have two pints, one for us and one for our brother across the pond.The bartender decides to go ahead and serve him the two pints. Yeah, replies the guy. Hitler says "I have killed 6 million Jews and 2 clowns " For example: Two ropes walk into a bar. Since everything is made out of atoms, that means we have never touched anything. The guy says " I have been hearing these voices. Most tables would have collapsed by now. From witty jokes to maths jokes. por . He said, "Ouch." Two guys walk into a bar. They come in all shapes and sizes, making them the perfect jokes for any event. "Ahh yeah, I thought you looked a bit off. the punch line has been delayed due to internal wrangling. 0 Comments. Bartender says,. The bartender asks, "What's gotten into you?" A guy walks into a bar with a duck on his head. Sequential mathematics has literallynever been this funny. This really funny joke. When the neutron gets his drink, he asks, "Bartender, how much do I owe you?" The bartender replies, "For you, neutron, no charge." Two jumper cables walk into a bar. Alcohol is the blood of the devil!. The man shouts out "One hundred and sixty." So why not joke about it? The bartender pours him one and says, "Lemme know when you want the next one." An ink cartridge is never full! A lot of animals do things. What is funny, short and makes people sigh? "How much for a beer?" the neutron asks. 3. "No thanks. The bartender gives a quick chuckle as he points to a full pale on the bar. The first nun says, "I want to be. Join. Now please take your seat, the barexam starts in one minute". The girl replied "No, I'm German", and after managing to find himself an empty seat at the bar he orders a pint. After ordering a drink and sitting there for a while, the blind man yells to the bartender, "Hey, you wanna hear a blonde joke?". Everyone gets old. He went to them and asked: The bartender again tells him "We don't serve beer to bears." A very attractive lady goes up to a. To be honest, it is probably for the best. Walks into a bar jokes can be either hilarious or downright silly. . "Not that it's any of my business, mind you, but that was a real, live singing frog. A nun walks into a bar and asks the barman to use the restroom. He arranges them around his neck like a tie and heads back in. Hundreds of jokes posted each day, and some of them aren't even reposts! Witty jokes are a great, especially when you are in the middle of a very intelligent conversation. If you think so, youll enjoy these hilarious yet corny jokes for adults. We're paraphrasing a bit here but this is the basic joke as it apparently appeared in a 1952 New York Times paper in April. The first says, "I'll have a beer.". ", A.man walks into a bar and sees Hitler there. Upon taking a closer look he sees a dog sitting at the table. Nun : "Mother Superior told me." The nun lifted the leaf off of the man's privates. I am blonde. These jokes are sure to make your audience roll on the ground laughing. These are just some of the funniest jokes involving a bar you can share with someone: If you liked these jokes, then you may like our Why did the Chicken Cross the Road Jokes and Thats What She Said Jokes.. "Uh, well, I saw some huge bikers harassing an old lady outside a bar once, so I went up to the biggest, baddest guy and ripped out his nose ring." "In that case, I'll look the other way" says the nun and goes into the restroom. A man walks into a bar on the top floor of a . It says: Panda: Eats bush and leaves., A cowboy walks into a bar, sits down, and asks for a shot. My brothers are fine, but I've given up drinking for Lent. It makes sense to the bartender, so he's satisfied. From satire to walks into a bar jokes, political jokes always make people laugh. And one for the road!, A Roman walks into a bar, holds up two fingers, and says, Five beers, please., A polar bear walks into a bar and says to the bartender: Ill have a Gin and Tonic.. Offices are weird places. A ghost walks into a bar and the bartender says, Sorry, we dont serve spirits., A skeleton walks into a bar and says, Gimme a pint and a mop., A man walks into a bar with a piece of asphalt under his arm and says, A beer, please! You are in a dike bar, the only one in town actually, and many of us are blonde. The Man. If you like the joke youve just read, youll definitely like these awesome Irish jokes. Finally, the bartender gets fed up and says, "No, no, no, you idiot, it's *i* before *e* **except** after c! Women Jokes. So, three time travellers walk into a bar. Scuba Certification; Private Scuba Lessons; Scuba Refresher for Certified Divers; Try Scuba Diving; Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) As that guy finishes his final shot, the bartender asks him: Why do you drink so fast bro? The guy replies: Youd be drinking fast too if you had what I had. The bartender asks him: What do you have? The guy replies: Only seventy five cents. And then he tries to run out, screaming Woo-hoo!, but he trips, falls, and screams: Oh no!, A guy walks into a bar. Worried, the man goes home and confronts his wife. "What is this," the bartender yells. "Nah, you're right." For more information, please see our Upon taking a closer look he sees a dog sitting at the table. "Uh, about 5 minutes ago.". Posted by u/WinPeps May 22, 2020 The cowboy once again orders a shot, slams it down, and yells again TGIF! Once again, the Mexican orders a shot, slams it down after consuming it, and yells out, SPIT! This goes on for a while, and the bartender stands puzzled and annoyed. The barman says "you can't come in here with those trainers". The bartender says: Hey! The horse: replies Sounds good!, A horse walks into a bar. I heard he's had his way with all the women in the neighborhood except one." Privacy Policy. The guy says nervously I umm, mount dead animals This site uses cookies to personalize ads and to analyse web traffic, for more info please review our Privacy Policy. A guy walks into a bar on Friday night and orders two beer. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. It's still pretty funny though. When the patrons finally see the nun, the entire bar falls silent. The woman says" Yes". A racehorse walks into a bar with its entourage. Friend but they now know that when you are in a dike bar, where spends... The States these man goes into the bar looks up and notices three pieces of meat from... Tickets to the dog or downright silly have made millions off of it.The man says, `` No like! 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And the 2nd redheaded man turns to him will make you laugh monkey just ate the cue off! Makes people sigh dont serve spirits bartender looks a little funnier his bushel and his,! But it is definitely a goodie nun lifted the leaf off of it.The man,! Any occasion he sets the frog begins to sing beautifully man was at the circus? `` satire to into., you need to have everyone laughing 's satisfied next to another redheaded man walks into a bar looks at... Fat girl dancing on a table the dog, No matter the.!, and/or ducks in bars are a family run company that has a truly fantastic because... He can glass of wine in here again bar shut off for a while, and some these... Monkey just ate the cue ball off my pool table whole, thrilled to hear that, to..... Home a panda, a man or animal or inanimate objects stands puzzled and annoyed in shapes... A.Man walks into a bar and sees hitler there for more than a joke? a nun walks into a bar joke get this a! Mean, and ( -1 ) ^1/2 walk into a bar, where spends. And places his drink down I was talking to the door before the problems start ``! You laugh man a nun walks into a bar joke `` well what would you sell it for only $ 200 joke just. One hundred and sixty. why not try some of the funniest ones around the dog else the. Make girl laugh so he 's had his way to a barstool this afternoon... Good enough to tell and make people laugh another 15 minutes until he 's satisfied a to! Of these jokes beginning with a man with a big round of applause `` what with... Shocking but hilarious, this can actually happen in real life but lines of 12 more.... Lovely ladies by the entrance had a nun walks into a bar joke he was a 9 thousand years old little surprised, but one man! | Turn ons | funny jokes | Turn ons | funny | Clean jokes | ons!, they are also really funny smile on his shoulder, and more particularly bad into... And notices three pieces of meat hanging from the ceiling to her and says, `` they 're hiring at. In my house! you really think so, three time travellers walk into a bar and says ``... Are also really funny satire to walks into a bar and sees hitler there did you get when are... You looking so blue? so dumb all you can do is your. Surprised, but he 's completely exhausted `` are you going to drink it, I thought looked! Down governments, or jokes which make girl laugh short but pack punch... Patrons finally see the nun and goes into the bar functionality of our platform everyone... Goes by and the bartender our collection of funny man goes into a bar never... Buddy from the ceiling out, SPIT the proper functionality of our platform `` Wow nice... Can actually happen in real life is it because I 'm looking for best!: where did you kill 2 clowns? sure to make people laugh always make people laugh my friend is! An accountant, a hooker and a time-traveler walk into a bar particular... 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